Breaking Self 3
121 x 91 cm (36×48 inches)
Acrylic and paper collage on Burmese fabric
(This painting is being exhibited at the Bangkok Art and Culture Center (BACC). The collection is only accepted for reservation now, with availability for collection starting in February 2024. For reservations, please contact via email)
Fabric is not merely material but also a site of social struggle. Clothing has become the focal point of a tug-of-war between patriarchal and feminist ideas about how women exist in society. For generations, fabric has been employed to encapsulate traditional notions of femininity; however, a movement of resistance to both military and patriarchal power is emerging to challenge this. In this painting, Chuu addresses the history of Myanmar and the situation of women using newspaper collages and photographs to establish a link between the past and the present throughout the journey.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
121 x 91 cm (36×48 inches)
Acrylic on Burmese hand-woven Fabric
(This painting is being exhibited at the Bangkok Art and Culture Center (BACC). The collection is only accepted for reservation now, with availability for collection starting in February 2024. For reservations, please contact via email)
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
121 x 91 cm (36×48 inches)
Acrylic and paper collage on Burmese fabric
(This painting is being exhibited at the Bangkok Art and Culture Center (BACC). The collection is only accepted for reservation now, with availability for collection starting in February 2024. For reservations, please contact via email)
121 x 91 cm (36×48 inches)
Acrylic and paper collage on Burmese fabric
(This painting is being exhibited at the Bangkok Art and Culture Center (BACC). The collection is only accepted for reservation now, with availability for collection starting in February 2024. For reservations, please contact via email)
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
121 x 91 cm (36×48 inches)
Acrylic and paper collage on Burmese fabric
(This painting is being exhibited at the Bangkok Art and Culture Center (BACC). The collection is only accepted for reservation now, with availability for collection starting in February 2024. For reservations, please contact via email)
A pride of being who you are, knowing what you want, valuing your existence is the motif of this framework. The unique fabric patterns merged the traditional props which innovated intimacy, highlighting the innermost nature of womanhood/femininity.
Proudly withholding against the current culture of daily lives for treating women-wears as dark things to make men’s souls dirty by touching, using, washing or hanging together.
Women should be freely able to discuss intimate subjects about their sexual livelihood and deemed to be explicit topics by society, without being frowned upon by the conservative public.
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock
AVAILABILITY: Out of stock